Dr. Sanjay Salooja is a prominent, sought-after author,
speaker, coach and a consultant. Sanjay holds a doctorate in Building Optimism
in Indians. He uses the insights he gained during his research to support
leaders in getting past their internal and external challenges. is a thought
leader in the area of behavioural change that impact performance and leadership
He has also worked extensively in Applied Behavioral Science.
He uses Applied Behavioural Science to cause long lasting and sustained changes
in leaders and their styles. The impact not only addresses and resolves current
issues but also brings higher levels of Leadership competence to demonstrate
potential for the future.
He has trained over 100,000 employees and has about 2 decades
of experience in designing learning solutions. He has coached over 28,000
Leaders from prominent organizations and has certified coaches in different
organizations. Delivered over 3700 man days of training, Developed and
implemented productivity improvement programs for half a million professionals
in hundreds of organization worldwide.